"I hear your footsteps down the hall. You are home again, and safe. All the burdens of the day are lightened--and all the night noises are music to my ears."
One of my favorite parts of church is the benediction at the end of the service. I love watching the pastor put his hands in the air and quietly say "May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you peace." Amen to that. Such a beautiful blessing--I walk out from church filled with that indefinable sense of peace and belonging and the feeling that all is right with the world.
Last night I was looking for a particular cross stitch pattern and while I was rifling through my project box I started finding all sorts of patterns that I bought years ago and simply haven't had the time to finish yet. Here is one that I fell in love iwth--both the design and the loving message. I bought this pattern during a time when my husband was teaching school in a different city two hours away, and I was still in our home with our teenagers, who we had chosen to not re-located to a different school system. It was a difficult adjustment for all of us, and my heart always lightened on Fridays when my husband would arrive back home. It truly did feel like all my "burdens of the day" could be set aside. I felt much the same was as I do when I hear the benediction...once again, all was right in my world.
Last night I was looking for a particular cross stitch pattern and while I was rifling through my project box I started finding all sorts of patterns that I bought years ago and simply haven't had the time to finish yet. Here is one that I fell in love iwth--both the design and the loving message. I bought this pattern during a time when my husband was teaching school in a different city two hours away, and I was still in our home with our teenagers, who we had chosen to not re-located to a different school system. It was a difficult adjustment for all of us, and my heart always lightened on Fridays when my husband would arrive back home. It truly did feel like all my "burdens of the day" could be set aside. I felt much the same was as I do when I hear the benediction...once again, all was right in my world.

But serving as a "single mom" during the week, on top of working full time, didn't allow much time for crafting and eventually this pattern ended up in my "to do later" craft box. But when I saw it last night I fell in love with it all over again, but now at home the roles are reversed. Because my husband now works from our home, I am the one returning home each evening. I walk in to see my husband at the dining room table, playing a game of cards as he waits for me to arrive, so that we can unwind together and enjoy our evening, and my burdens of the day are lightened when I see his smile.
A glass of wine, a few favorite tunes on my new kitchen cd player, and quiet conversation while I start dinner preparations. Home again...and all the night noises are music to my ears. Perhaps it's time to move this pattern to the top of the pile.
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