I tried, really I did. Instead of freaking out immediately after Thanksgiving about the shortened time frame between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I took a full week to continue counting my blessings (did I mention my first grandchild is on the way??!!) and tried to keep an attitude of gratitude. That lasted until this past Saturday morning, when I thought I'd "jot down" what I needed to accomplish over the weekend and it took more than one page to write it all down.
About those lovely handmade gifts I thought I could whip up, no sweat? They are now on next year's list. Maybe I'll get smart in April and start thinking ahead about the holidays. Oh wait, first grand-baby due in May. Maybe I'll get smart in August then and start thinking ahead about the holidays. Oh wait, daughter's wedding in September. Maybe I should just transfer the handmade gifts to the 2015 list and call it good??
Suffice it to say that I don't look like this right now. In fact, I would never allow anyone to take a picture of me at the moment...I was in my warm robe all day yesterday, not even getting dressed or bothering to fix my hair (I think I brushed my teeth, but don't hold me to it) on my mad dash to the computer to finish some design projects.

I kind of look like this, except worse...

I think the elf got more sleep than I did...
I've gone from blithely counting my blessings to frantically trying to "pull off Christmas" and the sad part is...I'm the only one putting any pressure on myself. Truly, I think my family would have the same response that the Who's in Whoville gave upon finding all their Christmas toys and decorations gone on Christmas morn...

I've gone from blithely counting my blessings to frantically trying to "pull off Christmas" and the sad part is...I'm the only one putting any pressure on myself. Truly, I think my family would have the same response that the Who's in Whoville gave upon finding all their Christmas toys and decorations gone on Christmas morn...

So today it's back to the drawing board...I've got to figure out how do I keep from giving in to the ridiculous pressure to create the "perfect" Christmas, which includes a beautifully decorated home, thoughtfully chosen gifts that are craftily wrapped and adorned with homemade tags, and a kitchen full of homemade treats. Yikes. I'll start by staying away from Pinterest...it's too much of a good thing! I'll keep you posted on my success...

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