Christmas miracles! I have decided to post my 2012 Christmas Eve post because truly, this is my favorite story about a BIG PRAYER and a little girl, and who doesn't need a miracle or two right now?

The Christmas my daughter was four, she had mentioned several things she hoped Santa might have tucked away in his sleigh, but she also kept hinting that there was one special gift she had secretly wished for but was keeping that wish to herself, much like little Susan in Miracle on 34th Street. Since she had three older brothers, we were working very hard to keep the magic of the Santa story alive and she wanted desperately to still believe in Christmas magic. As all moms would do in a situation like this, I called on my friend Rita to see if she could get to the bottom of this special request to Santa. During a Christmas concert she leaned over and promised my daughter her secret would be safe with her, so we eventually found out that the desire of my little girl's heart and the gift that would prove Santa's existence was.....a Little Mermaid giga pet. Problem solved--order one from the Disney Store and Christmas would be saved!
Except that (you know the rest of this story, right?) the Little Mermaid giga pet was sold out. Completely. Back ordered until May. Maybe later. I called on friends and cousins who lived in larger communities to scour the shelves of their Disney stores. No luck. Cue to Christmas Eve afternoon and I'm in the kitchen baking pumpkin pies and experiencing that awful feeling that a mother has when she knows she can't deliver Santa magic. My oldest son wandered in, and always empathetic, picked up on my dismay. I shared with him the whole sad saga of the back-ordered giga pet that would prove to my sweet little girl that Santa magic didn't really exist. He listened carefully, and then put his hands in mine and earnestly asked if I wanted him to go upstairs to his bedroom and pray his BIG PRAYER. I didn't even know he had a big prayer, but I thanked him and off he went. Then, of course, I began to feel even worse, because now in addition to my little girl feeling let down by Santa, my son would feel let down by God!
A few minutes later, down he came, happily assuring me he had prayed and I should stop worrying. Oh ye of little faith, right? I simply could not have felt worse. And then, fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang. On our snowy steps stood the UPS deliveryman with a package. From the Disney Store. With a Little Mermaid giga pet. I think I glimpsed angel wings on his back as he turned towards his truck. To this day I have no answers for this, my very own Christmas miracle. All I know is that I do believe in Christmas magic and Christmas miracles. And I believe in the power of a little boy's love for his sister and his steadfast belief in the power of prayer. God bless us, every one.
Merry Christmas to all my friends and family!
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