September 20, 2012

Welcome, Thursday!  The week is flying by, and fall is flying in.  It's sweater weather at its finest, cool mornings and gentle afternoons.  Blue skies and colorful leaves shouting a gleeful hallelujah to the heavens before settling down for a winter's nap.  Truly, what's not to love about autumn's vivid hues?  Emily Dickinson must have felt the same way in the poem below. 

Swift River, White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire
The name -- of it -- is "Autumn" --
The name -- of it -- is "Autumn" --
The hue -- of it -- is Blood --
An Artery -- upon the Hill --
A Vein -- along the Road --

Great Globules -- in the Alleys --
And Oh, the Shower of Stain --
When Winds -- upset the Basin --
And spill the Scarlet Rain --

It sprinkles Bonnets -- far below --
It gathers ruddy Pools --
Then -- eddies like a Rose -- away --
Upon Vermilion Wheels --

Autumn in Door County, Wisconsin

I hope you have a day filled with love and beautiful colors!

1 comment:

  1. A lovely poem about one of my favorite seasons.

