June 9, 2014

Days are where we live...

Hello, summer!  I've missed you so much!  And since you now seem willing to hang around and spread your warm sunshiney rays on us, it's time for a camping adventure!  We ended up on a rare trip alone to Door County, as our oldest son has just had a baby, our second son wouldn't be caught dead camping, our third son acts on the weekends and our daughter is still in Europe. That means last Friday saw the two of us heading "north of the tension line" for a short bit of r&r.  I came home relaxed and feeling like I had a week's vacation--there is something about walking along the lake shore...

and reading whenever you feel like reading and knowing there are no home chores calling your name (well, to be completely honest there were LOTS of chores back home with my name stamped all over them, but we managed to drive out of hearing range...)

that leaves me feeling energized.  Maybe it's the Vitamin D in the sunshine, but whatever it is it makes me happy. I'm hooked on camping and even more hooked on Door County.  Wisconsin is a lovely state, but the peninsula is in a class of beauty all by itself.

I have lots more pictures to share and tales to tell, but it's already Monday morning and work is calling.  I'll leave you with a lovely poem I discovered Saturday morning while sipping my coffee and looking at this view from my camp chair.  Poet Philip Larkin (England, 1922-1985) asks the question "What are days for?" and I couldn't agree more with his answer.  I hope you feel the same.


What are days for?
Days are where we live.
They come, they wake us
Time and time over.
They are to be happy in:
Where can we live but days?

Ah, solving that question
Brings the priest and the doctor
In their long coats
Running over the fields.

Have a wonderful Monday!!

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