January 3, 2014

This little light of mine....

When I was a little girl we sang a song in Sunday School that went "this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine."  It had hand gestures and a bouncy melody and we all loved to sing it.

I was thinking about those lyrics this morning..."hide it under a bushel...no!...I'm gonna let it shine" and how easy it is to hide or even lose our light on our daily path.  Work, obligations, duties, worries, and the stress of daily life can all put our little lights under a bushel where it's hard to see the flicker.  I must daily remember to walk in the light, if for no other reason than to light the path for someone whose road is darker than mine.

When we give of ourselves, we help to spread the light.  I wanted to share with you today a gift my son made for Christmas that not only spreads the light but was one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever seen. His girlfriend has a college degree in linguistics, and her senior thesis explored the relationships between the spoken word, poetry and music.  My son found copies of some of the books that were quoted in her thesis, and used them to create a very special  gift for her.

Her little light is going to shine brightly on her bedside table each night!

My hope for today is that we all find a way to spread the light--through a kind deed, a smile to someone who looks sad, sharing a laugh with a friend, or extending the hand of kindness.  Have a wonderful Friday!

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