What's not to love about the color pink (or Audrey Hepburn, for that matter?) My "pink" garden is giving me so much joy this summer!
Simplicity hedge roses that never quite became a hedge, but are lovely just the same...
You love the roses - so do I. I wish
The sky would rain down roses, as they rain
From off the shaken bush. Why will it not?
Then all the valley would be pink and white
And soft to tread on. They would fall as light
As feathers, smelling sweet: and it would be
Like sleeping and yet waking, all at once.
(Roses, by George Eliot)
Pretty phlox, a newcomer this year! Here is one of Cicely Mary Barker's Fairy Poems about this lovely old-fashioned flower:
August in the garden!
Now the cheerful phlox
Makes one think of country girls
Fresh in summer frocks.
There you see magenta,
Here a lovely white
Mauve and pink and cherry-red
Such a pleasant sight!
Smiling little fairy
Climbing up the stem
Tell us which is prettiest?
She says "All of them!"

My magnificent coneflowers, growing more robust every season!
What is pink? a rose is pink
By a fountain's brink.
(from Color, by Christina Rossetti)
In fact, they are threatening to soon dwarf the birdbath!
This year's "splurge"--a pink knock-out rose that will hopefully survive the winter.
And cheerful pink and purple pansies add a splash of color to the deck planter.
WHEN I have a daughter I shall name her Petunia:
Petunia, Petunia I shall call her;
In the rooms of my house she shall dance, her small face
So bright that no sorrow 'll befall her.
From this dark pot of earth, from this sun-clouded hollow
Like a rainbow she'll spring and a blue sky shall follow,
Green trees shall blow in and gay fountains of water
Ripple the voice of earth's last, fairest daughter.
And I'll teach her the songs of Apollo.
Petunia, Petunia I shall call her;
In the rooms of my house she shall dance, her small face
So bright that no sorrow 'll befall her.
From this dark pot of earth, from this sun-clouded hollow
Like a rainbow she'll spring and a blue sky shall follow,
Green trees shall blow in and gay fountains of water
Ripple the voice of earth's last, fairest daughter.
And I'll teach her the songs of Apollo.
(from Petunia, by Walter James Turner)
Have a pink-licious day today, and Happy Fourth of July tomorrow!
Have a pink-licious day today, and Happy Fourth of July tomorrow!
Pink is one of my favorite colors {the other is orange}. I had a fashion instructor who once said that if you want your home to be filled with love, plant pink flowers all around it. Here's to you and everything pink --> including that precious new grandbaby of yours! Blessings!