
March 28, 2014

in the should smell like dirt

Today, I'm grateful.  Grateful that it's Friday, to be sure, but more importantly, grateful for the friends I have in my life.  Friends that don't let miles between us make our friendship less strong or less meaningful.  Friends that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt "have my back" and would be by my side in an instant if I needed them.  And, lucky me, they are also the type of friends that know when a little package arriving in the mail can change a gray day into a happy day.  And who doesn't need a few rays of sunshine beaming from the mailbox after this long winter?!

Sunshine beam #1:  from my wonderful friend, Mary, who knows me soooo well!

Sunshine beam #2:  (peeking out from my kitchen drawer) also from my friend, Mary, a lovingly designed apron made by her that incorporates so many things I love!  And I smile every time I put it on. 

Sunshine beam #3:  from my dear friend Rita this package arrived last week--warm and wonderful mittens created from sweaters...check out the beautiful beading!

Sunshine beam #4:  and holding on to the hope that spring WILL arrive, these gardening gloves were also in the package!  Oh my, I can't wait to use them!

1 comment:

  1. How lovely your friends are! Welcome treats that are well deserved.

